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Beef Stir Fry With Tri-Color Peppers (Rsf

---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04

Title: Beef Stir Fry With Tri-Color Peppers (Rsf
Categories: Main dish, Beef, Chinese
Yield: 4 servings

1 lb Beef -- tenderloin
1 ts Sesame oil
1 TB Soy sauce
1/4 ts Garlic powder
1/4 ts Ginger
1/4 ts Cumin
1 c Onion -- slivered
3/4 c Green bell pepper-(2 1/2" x
: 2 1/2")
3/4 c Yellow
1 c red bell pepper
1 c red bell pepper
2 TB White wine vinegar directio
DIRECTIONS: Trim fat from (*I used beef) pork, and cut
crosswise into 1/4 inch slices. Heat oil in a large
non-stic skillet over high heat until hot. Add pork,
soy sauce, and next 3 ingredients; stir fry 3 minutes
or until pork is done. Remove pork mixture from
skillet; set aside and keep warm. Place skillet over
medium-high heat; add onion and bell peppers, and stir
fry 5 minutes. Return pork mixture to skillet; add
vinegar, and cook 1 minute. Yield: 4 servings. About
166 calories per 1 cup serving. My family absolutely l
*I changed this from pork to beef in recipe and
ingredient list. FROM: CATHERINE LESLIE (RSFH58B)

Recipe By :

From: Sweeney <sweeney@asiaonline.Net>date: Mon, 28
Oct 1996 21:33:44 +0800 (


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