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Cheddar Cheese Sauce

---------- exported from cookworks for meal-master, v7.0

title: cheddar cheese sauce
categories: professional, sauce
servings: 4

1 c clarified unsalted butter
8 oz bread flour
4 qt milk
1 onion
1 clove
1 bay leaf
white pepper
2 c cheddar cheese
1/2 t dry mustard
2 t worcestershire sauce

heat butter in a large skillet, over a low flame
add the flour and whisk to make a white roux
remove from heat and allow to cool slightly
scald the milk in a saucepan, over a medium flame
gradually beat the scalded milk into the roux
place over a moderate flame
heat and stir to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer
impale the bay leaf to the onion with the clove
add to the sauce
simmer for 15-30 minutes, stirring often
add grated cheese, dry mustard, and worcestershire sauce
stir until cheese melts
add hot milk as needed to adjust the consistency
season very lightly with salt, nutmeg, and white pepper strain through a
top with melted butter to keep a skin from forming
keep warm in a bain marie
or cool quickly in ice or a vented water bath and chill
serve hot or warm


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