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Galaxy Doughnuts

MMMMM----- Recipe via UNREGISTERED Meal-Master (tm) v8.01

Categories: Breads, Davidson
Yield: 36 doughnuts

5 ts Yeast, dry
1/3 c ;Water, warm
2 1/4 c Sugar
1/3 c Shortening; melted
1 1/2 c Milk; scalded & cooled
2 ts Salt
2 ts Vanilla extract
2 lg Egg
1/4 c Wheat germ
1/4 c Soy flour
1/4 c Oat bran
4 1/2 c Flour
2 ts Cinnamon, ground
1 c Butter, sweet; melted

In a large mixing bowl, proof the yeast with 1/2 teaspoon sugar for 10
minutes. Mix the shortening into the warm milk, then add the liquid
to the yeast mixture along with 1/4 cup of the sugar, salt, vanilla,
eggs, wheat germ, soy flour, oat bran, and 1 1/2 cups of the flour.
Beat vig- orously until very well blended. Stir in the remaining
flour and beat until smooth. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and
put it in a warm, draft-free place until the dough doubles.

Punch down and turn the dough out onto a floured board; pat out until
the dough is about 1/2" thick. Cut out doughnuts with a cookie
cutter and place 2" apart on greased cookie sheets. Allow to rise,
uncovered, until doubled again. Preheat the oven to 400 F. Mix the
remaining two cups sugar with the ground cinnamon. Bake the
doughnuts 10 to 15 minutes, or until golden brown. Dip quickly into
the melted butter and roll in the cinnamon sugar.

---*The Cereal Murders*
Diane Mott Davidson


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