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Black Bean Chili With Toasted Spice Seasoning

---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02

Categories: Main dish, Indian, Vegetarian, Chili
Yield: 8 servings

3 c Dried black beans, soaked
8 c Water
2 Jalapeno peppers, minced
1 1/2 tb Grated ginger
1 Bay leaf
1 c Chopped cilantro
1 ts Cumin seeds
2 tb Chili powder
1/2 tb Oregano
1/2 c Sun-dried tomatoes
4 c Peeled, chopped plum tomato
1/3 c Uncooked bulgur wheat
1/2 c Boiling water
Salt & pepper
1/2 tb Mustard seeds
1/2 ts Fennel seeds

Drain beans. Place in a large pot & add 8 c water. Bring to a boil.
peppers, ginger, bay leaf & 1/2 c cilantro. Cover & simmer for 1
1/2 to 2
hours. Remove from heat & discard bay leaf.
Place cumin seeds in a pot & toast. When seeds darken, add chili powder,
oregano, tomatoes. Stir well & bring mixture to a boil. Reduce heat
simmer for 30 minutes. In another bowl, combine bulgur with boiling
water, cover & let sit for 10 minutes.
When beans are cooked, remove 1 c & puree it with some cooking liquid.
Combine puree with remaining beans. Stir in tomato mixture & bulgur.
Season & simer for 10 minutes.
Place mustard seeds in a pot over medium heat, cover & cook till seeds
start to pop. Add fennel seeds & cover. Cook till popping stops &
darkens. Pour over chili. Add remaining cilantro & drizzle with olive


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